Douglas Fir / Oregon
Douglas Fir is botanically identified as Pseudotsuga Menziesii and is an evergreen confier species within the pine family. Other names for this tree include Oregon Pine and Douglas Pine. It is native to Western North America and these are typically medium to large and very straight trees that grow 20–50 metres. As the trees grow taller in denser forest they lose their lower branches, such that the foliage may start high off the ground.
This species is extensively used in forestry as a plantation tree for softwood timber. Douglas Fir is widely used for joinery, veneer, flooring and construction due to its strength, hardness and durability. It has greater natural lateral strength characteristics as well as a very heavy grain compared to traditional radiata pine which makes it popular for use in large exposed structural beams and pillars. It is also naturally durable and requires no tanalising preservative treatment.